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VFX Shoot

Right so yesterday we had our test shots to check our angles for when we were doing the full filming for the vfx shot today. So we got quite a lot of the shots until we got talking to Mike in which we discussed our idea of a vfx shot whihc at first was a teleportation fight scene in which the main actor would find himself trapped against 3 other people and they would start fighting in which he would teleport  around them fighting them until one of them gets kicked through a wall. This was the original concept idea for this VFX shot but Mike persuaded us against a fight scene as it really doesn't look that good and looks a bit childish when just a bunch of people are fighting.

So instead we came up with a new idea of a chase scene in which one actor takes the other actors phone and then they start the chase scene. However the second actor will continuously run after the first actor thinking that he will be able to catch up to him until the first actor starts to teleport away. Eventually the first actor trips over and gets punched by the second actor as he gets his phone and walks away.

So with the story out the way time to talk about the shoot today. The shoot started pretty slow with people not really knowing where they were going to start the shoot and how it was going to be played out at first but we managed to get places set out for them to start at. So the first scene started off pretty well as we managed to get the correct shot within first two takes. After that first shot we started to get on ball with our next shots only needing to take one to three shots to get the correct shot. Only when it came to our last two shots a lot of it started to go wrong but a lot of it was due to people walking through the shot awkwardly therefore making the shot look really weird. It took about eight takes to get the shot correctly done then when it came to the very last shot it took us three takes to get done correctly.

Our main issues when filming this was people walking through in the background because they always noticed the camera and then stutter stepped and then walked away.

Honestly the footage we had gotten today was better then what I expected as I expected it to look a lot more like home video stunt videos but I was happy with how the overall outcome was.

The teamwork and communication at the start was pretty weak as nobody like went into full detail on what they wanted to happen or where they wanted people to be however the more and more we got into the shoot the better the communication became which then made the teamwork better and then made the shots look better then what was expected.

In an overview I am happy with what we came out with today and that it could be a good VFX shot if I put my hardest work into it. Some issues I could see with the next part of the process which would be the editing stage and adding special effects is that we didn't really get any of the teleportation scenes blank with no actors as I believe that will help with making the teleportation look believable but I will try and make the best of what we have gotten.

To make it better next time I would of organised everything better so everybody knew what they were doing and so everybody was contributing towards the filming.


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