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Showing posts from December, 2016

Mudbox with Tony

This week we have been learning how to sculpt a head from a sphere in mudbox, starting with just the basic head shape then moving onto sculpting out the eyes, nose mouth and ears. We then would sculpt out the neck from the head keeping it all one object. We also had a look at a presentation by Blizzard Entertainment showing how they did their modeling using Zbrush. Video from Pixologic

Next Gen Year 2 9 Week Modeling Task Week 2

So this is the second week of our 9 week modeling challenge in which I have started modeling my collection of vases and managed to get one finished modeling and ready to be UV unwrapped.  The vase I have modeled so far is based a lot on an already existing vase in which I have used the shape of the vase for my model but for the actual texture I want to be different from the actual vases but I want to add an imprint on each of my vases as like a company logo sort of thing. So far I think I am keeping up with the task and keeping on time with the task considering I have time at home I can continue on with these vases. I do think that I need to get a bit faster when I am modeling but I am enjoying it and I believe I should be able to get it done on time.

VFX Tracking using After Effects

So today we learnt to do some image stabilization with a video as well as some motion tracking using the effects part of after effects. I believe it came out pretty good we also had an image of a fish imported onto the video that we use as the as the main point of the motion tracking. The next composition we did was to add a fish image onto the side of the college and do some two point motion tracking.

9 Week Modeling Portfolio Task

Today I we were given a task of creating one of the best models we can make, we have a total of 9 in college weeks to finish these models. So our first lesson we have spent on research and planning and for the rest of the first week I am looking to get some concept sketches and planning of how I am going to go through the process of creating these models. So my idea for this is do recreate some modern surface vases which have a very angular look to them and for this I want an engraving put onto it of a logo however as of this moment I don't exactly have the logo set out yet as I don't know if I am creating my own logo yet or not. I would like to do multiple vases as part of an environment so I am looking t make a nice glass tabletop and have these vases put on top with some lighting pointing at an angle for them to cast a shadow of the back of the table. Programs I will be using for this will be Maya/3DS Max, Photoshop & Mudbox Examples of the Vases: